
I love Bill

There have been two times since my Dad’s death that I can say I felt his presence. Not a presence where his spirit is standing beside me, but a presence of knowing if he was here at this moment, I would know exactly what he would say, exactly how he would sit in his chair, the sound o f his voice and his facial expressions. There is also the presence of how I would react , my constant side glances over to him to see him laugh and then asking questions to hear his opinion.

I’ll talk about the first time at another date, but today….ah today. Today, I watched a show that I’d had recorded for weeks, the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor Award shown on PBS given to Bill Cosby.

When I was a little girl, there was only one man that could make me laugh until I cried and that was my Dad. His sarcasm, dry but witty humor was something no one could ever match no matter how hard they tried. Until one day while sneaking into the family room to turn on HBO. This was a big no-no. You could watch television, but HBO was not to be on…that was the “adult channel.” My how times change. So, I turn on HBO…not caring what is on. It really didn’t matter to me, the point was I was breaking a rule and I was doing it proudly. I sat in my Dad’s brown leather (pleather) recliner and watched this black man, sit in a chair holding a microphone tell stories. I remember this like it was yesterday…laughing so hard that I forgot about listening to the back ground noises to see if anyone was coming so I could quickly jump up and change the channel (no remote, you had to be fast). How in the world could my parents keep this from me? This “adult channel” was the best thing ever. I snuck many other times to catch this man on tv, but I got caught twice and the other times, well…I understood why it was the “adult channel.”

I never saw Bill Cosby again until years later sitting in the family room watching television with my family and there he was…he had his own show The Cosby Show. I lived for this show, week to week. We would eat dinner as a family and watch Cosby. Many years later while getting ready for work they would play re-runs on Nickelodeon…I would watch each episode like it was the first time I had seen it.

The more I investigated this man Bill Cosby, through books and the internet, I realized why I loved him so much. Not only did he make me laugh…but he was humble, he strived for what he believed in, he was an honest, dignified man, and all of this man…not to mention his facial expressions and mannerisms were just like my Dad. He knew how to tell a story and he knew how to make you laugh and he did it for your benefit, not his.

So, I sit today and I watch this man, Bill Cosby, receive honors for his achievements and what he has done for comedians and the black community and families around the world. As each person comes out to honor this legend, with clips from the The Cosby Show, his earlier stand-up days and guest appearances on television shows, they pan the camera to Mr. Cosby, and their he sits, laid back in his chair with his family, humbly listening to each word with gratitude and love. What I see…well…I see a girl in her twenties laying on the couch, while her Dad sits in “his” chair, arms crossed, belly bouncing up down from laughter, watching a marathon of Cosby Show re-runs. We make eye contact at the funny parts and the serious parts and no words are needed, just smiles that we enjoy the company and the laughter.

While accepting his award, Mr. Cosby said, “…each and every time I plant my feet…if it is to perform…for you…you’re gonna get, everything I have.”

Mr. Cosby, I just want you to know, because you have given everything you have, I continue to laugh and remember everything my Dad gave me. So thank you for that!!!

Heather K.
photo via: here

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I, too, love Bill Cosby. You would enjoy his book titled "Fatherhood", I think... Chemo brain, you know...