It's the little things in life that make me happy. Those unexpected moments that make you smile...ahhh...I love those moments.
When I came home from work today, I had one of those little moments. My bed was made and my room semi-clean. This is your little moment, the one that made you feel oh so good, you ask? Why yes, yes it is.
Growing up my brother and I had certain chores we would have to do. We would alternate these chores weekly. One chore that never changed was making our own beds. A chore...that's exactly what it was, and I hated it. I didn't understand why you would make your bed all nice and neat and hours later pull everything back and get it messy again. What was the point? I don't think I was ever told the point, I either made the bed or I didn't get to go play after school or some kind of reward was taken away because of this stinkin chore.
Needless to say, I'm thirty two (and proud of it) and I never make my bed, with no punishment. Take that Mom.
I went over to my great aunt's house the other day, whom might I add is 92, barely walks around with a cane, lives in her own apartment, cooks for herself (and me if I'm lucky) and is sharp as a tack. I saw her bed was perfectly made and I asked, "why do you do that every day, just to mess it up when you go to bed?" Her answer, "you never know when someone might come over, and even though they're probably not going to set foot in my bedroom, I want to look together." Really?? That's why you make your bed, to look put together? My answer to that...close the door and make sure your shirt's tucked in.
I continued to think about this and I thought, if a 92 year old woman feels put together and is able to make her bed every morning, I might as well give it a try. So, I'm proud to tell you for the past three days, Heather has made her bed. I'm talking each side of the king mattress, straightened the sheets, put the pillows on...that kind of made the bed. Even yesterday morning when I got up and it was still dark out and raining.
The first day really didn't matter to me, it was nice to see my bed made, but it was a Saturday...no big deal. Sunday, I get home and I think my room looks nice with the bed made. Today, well, today was the day that I realized it's the little things like making your bed that make you feel good.
I walk in from work, I'm stressed, I'm tired, I let the dog out, I walk to my room and what is this? My room is clean, the bed is made, I look around, and dare I say....everything looks....together. Not only did I smile, but I felt like an adult. Not a kid that has a chore to do, but an adult that lives in her own house that cares enough to make her own bed.
And this my friend's, is just another little part of life that makes me happy. What little thing in your life makes you smile?
Heather K.
photo from flickr
I think making the bed is more of a pet peeve than a chore. Granted, I grew up the same way you did as it relates to bed making. Maybe that is why we were so adamant about NOT making it when we don't have someone there reminding us to do it. We have a rule in our house "The that gets up first, starts the coffee, and gets the paper will not be responsible for making the bed. However, if one of the three is not successfully completed, the violator will be required to make the bed. Penalty pay will ensue if you fail to make the bed when you are required." Not a lot of wiggle room in that one...hehe.
It kind of feels good to get into a neatly made bed after a long day, doesn't it?
Oh, I love a neatly made bed. Now I'm living with the fiance, though, and he thinks my idea of making the bed is waaaay too detailed for a daily task. So either I do it myself every day -- or I let it go, get over wrinkles in the sheets and a lopsided duvet, and the pillows sometimes cattywampus.
Mostly, I just do it myself. I work at home, and when I pass down the hallway to the bathroom from my office, I need to see that all is shipshape in there, or it does affect my mood somehow. If you do it quick in the morning, and it becomes habit, you mostly don't even notice the few minutes it takes... (just wish he'd learn that. sigh.)
p.s. love that room you picked out for the illustration. those are some of my fave colors there... so soothing.
p.p.s. have I told you how cute it is that your date is always the same? somehow it speaks to me of the timelessness of living in the moment that so many of us are striving for...
Meredith, thanks again for your comments. You're right the colors, from the photo are very soothing. I loved it, the moment I saw it. Also...I'm embarrassed to say this, but I have no idea how to change the date, that is why it remains April 17th. I've tried everything, but nothing works. It has no significant meaning, but I will for sure play the lottery on that day!! LOL. One more thing, your photo journal is ridiculous with talent. What kind of camera do you use? Very nice!!
Great, great post....Loved it.
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