Ok, so I'll be honest, when I first decided to go see this movie, I wasn't excited about it. I thought it would be just like the rest of the male targeted movies and be funny to most, but not to me. Girls, you know what I'm talking about. The movie where a bunch of guys, go out and get really drunk, make fun of each other, see a lot of boobs and dream about hooking up with one of the girls, while dropping the F bomb every other word, oh yeah, don't forget all the pot they smoke and there is always some dude that doesn't say much the whole movie, just kind of hangs around....he's that guy. Ok...really?? It's funny the first one or two times you see it, but not funny anymore. Of course, I guess if I was guy, that scenario of events really never gets old and as one guy grows up there is another generation waiting to buy the ticket. Nah...they all watch, it doesn't matter how old they are. Excuse me while I take a moment of silence to thank God for yet another blessing. (Pause, Thank you God for being a girl, Amen) Ok..back to Hangover...guess what...it's funny and written for everybody...girls included. There are a lot of F bombs and the end credit pictures are "male movie" pics, but great movie none the less.
I think we can all relate to something in the movie. Well, maybe not all of us and maybe not every scene in the movie but I'm going to bet 90% of the people that see this movie have been in a situation the morning after drinking a few too many the night before...or as I like to say "over served," (never my fault) where you are left to scratch your head and say, "what happened last night?" While feeling like crap the whole time. There were a couple of parts when I thought, eh...they could've done without that, but all and all very fun watch and the soundtrack for the movie was pretty bangin' as well!!
Let's talk about my favorite part for a minute and for those of you that have seen the movie are going to wonder, um why??? Well, I'll tell you. It's at the beginning of the movie right when the morning after is unfolding. Ed Helms...perfect actor for this character BTW, I love him....anyway, he's laying on the floor and as you see a chicken walk behind him (random), he slowly opens his eyes, mouth hanging wide open and he just lays there looking around at whatever his eyes will allow him to see without moving his head...up, down, left and right. I'm not sure why I thought this was so funny, but it cracked me up and I'm laughing right now just thinking about it. It doesn't take much to humor me apparently. But, sadly, I've been in that exact position. Thankfully, never on the floor, but I know the feeling so well (not that well and not that often fyi...lol) when the light hits my face and I slowly open my eyes and this is usually what goes through my head without ever moving a muscle. Where am I? Oh this is my room...good. Wow, I drank a lot...Did that really happen last night....oh god, please say I didn't say that....ugh...IDIOT!! Oh, HA...that was funny. Then I roll over....room spinning...room spinning.....close my eyes.....grease...I need grease....ok...maybe not right now...water, I need water!! As the events piece together like a puzzle in my head, sometimes I feel as though I probably shouldn't have let that person buy me a shot and other times after a 12-24 recovery (it takes longer in my thirties...ugh) I laugh it off and consider it a good time. And then I remember the pictures!!!
Hangover...watch it...love it.
Heather K.
I think we can all relate to something in the movie. Well, maybe not all of us and maybe not every scene in the movie but I'm going to bet 90% of the people that see this movie have been in a situation the morning after drinking a few too many the night before...or as I like to say "over served," (never my fault) where you are left to scratch your head and say, "what happened last night?" While feeling like crap the whole time. There were a couple of parts when I thought, eh...they could've done without that, but all and all very fun watch and the soundtrack for the movie was pretty bangin' as well!!
Let's talk about my favorite part for a minute and for those of you that have seen the movie are going to wonder, um why??? Well, I'll tell you. It's at the beginning of the movie right when the morning after is unfolding. Ed Helms...perfect actor for this character BTW, I love him....anyway, he's laying on the floor and as you see a chicken walk behind him (random), he slowly opens his eyes, mouth hanging wide open and he just lays there looking around at whatever his eyes will allow him to see without moving his head...up, down, left and right. I'm not sure why I thought this was so funny, but it cracked me up and I'm laughing right now just thinking about it. It doesn't take much to humor me apparently. But, sadly, I've been in that exact position. Thankfully, never on the floor, but I know the feeling so well (not that well and not that often fyi...lol) when the light hits my face and I slowly open my eyes and this is usually what goes through my head without ever moving a muscle. Where am I? Oh this is my room...good. Wow, I drank a lot...Did that really happen last night....oh god, please say I didn't say that....ugh...IDIOT!! Oh, HA...that was funny. Then I roll over....room spinning...room spinning.....close my eyes.....grease...I need grease....ok...maybe not right now...water, I need water!! As the events piece together like a puzzle in my head, sometimes I feel as though I probably shouldn't have let that person buy me a shot and other times after a 12-24 recovery (it takes longer in my thirties...ugh) I laugh it off and consider it a good time. And then I remember the pictures!!!
Hangover...watch it...love it.
Heather K.
If memory serves me right, I believe this was the scenerio for two young ladies about a week ago. What chaps my behind is the stereotype that would follow a young lady had this movie been about chicks doing the same thing. We (*ahem*, they) would be classified as whores and party girls, and some names that should never be written on a blog.
With that said, been there...done that. It makes for great memories along the way, but it also reminds me of a lesson learned...only party like rockstars with your bestest of friends. You know what I mean? The ones that will laugh at the appropriate times, get you home safely, try to run interference when you are about to make a serious mistake due to your beer goggles being clouded.
At least you have never wore your pajamas to a bar (that I know of) and btw, Is Joe there???
Sounds like the kind of night that ends with someone holding a mirror to your face to make sure you're breathing. I mean, I've never had to do that personally. Just sounds like something that might happen to a serious party girl.
Note to self...never drink 12 Zima's w/ Jolly Ranchers in the bottom and then try to pass out on a waterbed, but if you do...make sure you are around good friends that have mirrors!!!
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