
It's FINALLY here!!!

Were you, or better yet, are you a fan of Twlight?? Yes...well....do I have a surprise for you. There is a new series, (only two books for now) by Melissa Marr. The first one is called Wicked Lovely, and so far that is exactly what it is....LOVELY!!! I've been waiting for a week to receive this book and realized I didn't save a bit of money by ordering on line. Oh well...it's here and I'm ready to read. As my friend Christy so honestly put it...it makes Twlight look "fluffy." I will say, it took me about 15-20 pages to really get into it, but I'm hooked. I don't want to put it down.

While Twlight was about vampires, Marr takes us on another fantasy ride with fairies. Yep, that's right...fairies. I'll have to admit, I get a little leery when people recommend teen reads, but Twlight didn't fail me and so far neither has Wicked Lovely. Oddly enough, the music refrences in the book, I actually know. It makes me feel cool when that happens...and young....but I'm still young so I will say younger, yeah that's it!! Obviously there is a romantic twist and I can already tell it is going to be just as intense as it was with Edward and Bella. Bring it!!! A book just isn't a book if you don't have a merry-go-round of flirtation and romance.
Amy started reading the book before I did and she mentioned some of the sexual connotation of the book is a little inappropriate for a teen read. Twlight left you using your own imagination on what happened and how it happened where as Marr kind of gives it to you straight up. With that being said, so far the book has not even come close to the trash I've read in the past, but I can see where some people might not want there 13 or 14 year old reading the book. But here's the thing, as much as we want to shelter our kids (I don't have any kids by the way) from sex and the very sexual culture that we live in now..it's not going to happen. Have you seen a Hardee's commercial lately?? Not only from television, but the radio and believe it or not kids talk and they talk about sex A LOT!!! Of course we want the up and coming youth of today to stay pure in their minds and their bodies but it's not reality. I believe we need to talk to our kids about sex, in a very mature tasteful way so when pre-teens and young adults come across material with sexual connotation they can distinguish between the trash and what is appropriate. So, I definitely wouldn't discourage a teenager from reading this book, but I would hope they were mature enough to enjoy the art and writing of the story because bottom line, when you get to a certain age the art, the writing AND the story is way better than the real thing!! Most of you know what I'm saying!! :-)
Heather K.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather,
I just want you to know that I'm here and I'm reading your blogs as often as I can. Its on my favorites list! Keep up the good literature! In a funny way you remind me of Carrie Bradshaw but in a cleaner more non-sexual content. Andrea