
Short and Curly....

Well folks...I did it.

I cut my hair.

A lot.

I donated most of it...so, if I didn't like it...at least I can feel good about the donation.

Good news...




Here it is straight....the one and only time you will see it this way.
Until the next time I get my hair done and decide I'll let her style it.

Now... I live on the corner of Short and Curley...

There's no way, I could post without showing you that...just laugh with me....will ya?

It's definitley different, but I love it and I can't wait to wear cute pins and bands and such, to spruce it up a little. Not that I've ever spruced anything up...but I sure give it my best...and really...that's all my country can ask of me...no matter what street I live on.

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