
Inspired...now what??

I’m in a book club. I have been for over a year now and I’m so grateful my best friend (Amy) asked me to join. I click with all of these women. Well…not all, but most.

They are a group of women who love to read, eat, drink and laugh. Hello…if you are asked to describe Heather…that’s me…this is what you say, a little emphasis on the eat.

I feel protected by these women, Even though we are so different, I feel loved by these women. I remember the first day, entering a stranger’s house and I’ll admit, I was a little intimidated. I was walking in unknown territory, I was the new puppy on the block, trying to fit in with the cool pack. Within 10 minutes I felt like I’d known these women for years. Sticking with the dog reference…coolest bitches on the block…including me!!

I see these women once a
month…sometimes, more.

The more we meet, the closer we get.

I gravitated towards one woman the
first day I met her.

She was unique, soft-spoken, yet so much to say, an open-mind to just
about anything and then she told me she wanted to go to a writers
group. Her name is Carol and I love her.

One thing I love to do…write. I
absolutely love to
write. I don’t do it as often as I would like, but nonetheless, when I write…I’m free.

The next day, Carol found a group and went. A little resistant at first, a couple of obstacles on the way, but she went and I couldn’t be more proud of her. She loved it. When she called me that night, I was a little jealous of her courage and at the same time excited that she stepped out of the box. I couldn’t wait to hear when and where the next meeting was going to be held. But then I heard the words…”you read stuff you have written and they tell you what you can do to improve.” Whoa!! Whoa!! I say…WHOA!!! I can’t do that. I write on a blog for millions…or three, people to read, but I can NOT sit at table and read to a small group what I have written and look in their eyes, or look down at my knees and not make eye contact while they…tell.me.what.they.think. Oh…I literally just got butterflies in my stomach…right at this very moment.

I have so many ideas…so many things I want to share to the world. But…I’m scared. There I said it…I’m scared.

But…I’m SO inspired now. I want to write and write and write…about life, about my Dad, about my Brother, about made up people in my mind, but then what? Now what?

I’m going to the writers group with Carol next week, but I will not speak…I mean I will not read. You’d have to nail my lips shut for me not to speak. I’ll keep you posted…all million…I mean…three of you…and those three (maybe million) I cherish dearly and can’t wait to hear from you.


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