...would be scary. It is quite hard for me to admit this. But, it's true, I need lists to function. I have been living in denial for a long time and just when I thought I had everything under control, I go to the grocery store and let me just say...it wasn't pretty.
Let me preface for a second and explain to you why I hate to admit this major detail of my life. My grandmother had a list for everything and it DROVE ME CRAZY!!! Every detail of her life was on a list. I'm not sure why this bothered me so, probably due to the fact we couldn't move forward until something was crossed off and another entry added to "the list."
She would write on the back of envelopes and even the way she wrote, these words, this list would speak to you in such a structured manner. One word would have three letters and the next would have ten, but they would look like perfect, straight lines, one right above the other. I, on the other hand, write on any piece of paper that I find, from post-its to gum wrappers and they're scattered in my purse, on my fridge, on the table, floorboard of my car...you get the point. My mind doesn't have a clue about organization and it never occurred to me, these unconscious notes were, dare I say...my lists.
Books I want to read, words to look up, gift ideas, to-do list,to-do tomorrow, to do five years from now, new artist I want to listen to, thoughts and images I want/need to google, outfit ideas, anything that pops in my head, I write it down.
So, I'm at the grocery I'm walking around and I realize....I'm walking around. I'm just strolling the aisles and nothing is making any sense. What am I here for? A couple of things? A lot of things? Do I need toiletries, or just food? Holy crap, I don't have a list and I have no idea what to do!! Calm down, start with breakfast...wait start with shower...do I need shampoo? No...ok, do I need conditioner, no. Fast forward to a good five minutes later, staring at the dog food thinking about my whole day and what I need for each day and having to start over because, crap, I don't have a pen to write down what I'm thinking....OH MY GOD I AM MY GRANDMOTHER.
Leave cart, go home, make list, back to grocery and life is normal.
Dear future grandchildren,
I want to tell you now I am a list maker. I make a list for everything, your Christmas presents, your birthday presents, the agenda when you visit, what meals you are going to eat...ok...you get the gist. If you ever come across something with a scribble on it, for example; a napkin, a post it, a piece of toilet paper...hand it over, it's important. This WILL get on your nerves in the long run, and that's why I'm letting you know now.
Love always,
Your unorganized but will always have it when you need it (if it's on my list) grandmother
Heather K.
1 comment:
Post its are the greatest invention of our time. I tend to make lists of random things just so I get that feeling of accomplishment by crossing things off...laundry, check. walk the dog, check. What's funny is when you find one that's not checked off and is from some time ago...that's when you have to start the entire list process over again, make a new list from the old list...it never ends!
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