Once again, I'm behind on the times. I know the kick off is tonight, but I just watched last night's show and WHOA!!! I'm so excited for this season. I'm not a big fan of American Idol...I don't hate it by no means, but I live for SYTYCD!!! Let's first talk about the dancers. The passion these people have for dancing is absolutely stunning. I'm not so sure if I have that much passion for anything. Seriously, I REALLY thought about this before I wrote it...passion...think about it. Is there something (besides family and kids) that you can sit and talk about and you cry because of the joy that it gives you? There was a girl on the show (haven't learned names yet) and she was talking about dancing and you could see the pain in her eyes when she just imagined for one moment her life without dance. I love to write and I love to read and learn about people, but is it a passion....could I live my life without it? Well, people could really be my passion...hmph!! This just hit me while I was writing. My grandmother is in the nursing home as we speak and when I go and visit her there is this high that comes over me. A joy that DOES make me want to cry. I know...your thinking...it's a nursing home...what joy comes out of that??? Well, I have a thing for old people...senior adults if you will. They have lived life....REALLY lived life. Their hearts have been broken, they have lost children, some have never had children, every single one of them have a story and nobody will listen. Guess what? I listen.....I truly truly want to listen. Not only to I love seeing my grandmother, but I love walking the halls and seeing who I can help and talk to. A couple of weeks ago a lady was sitting at the end of the hall she had to be about 90 but her skin was flawless with a natural rouge in her cheeks and the whitest of hair stick straight in an uneven scraggly bob. She just sat there in a recliner in the corner wrapped in her green blanket talking to herself and staring at the ceiling. As I walked by prepared to make eye contact and say hello she continued to stare at the light and mumble. I was like a kid, all I wanted to do was stare at her all day. There was something about her that I couldn't put my finger on that she knew and I didn't. She died the next week and I wonder now, she didn't need to make eye contact with me, she was looking at the soft light in the ceiling waiting for the big light to come take her away.
Ok, I got way off track here with the passion and dancing and my love for old people. Still not sure if that is a passion or not. But anyway, now let my briefly talk about the choreographers on the show. Really?? How do you have so much talent? When they hear a song it's a like a light bulb goes off and they see the movements of the dancers in their head with each note. Bliss...I tell you bliss. It's amazing and it is so obvious the minds that are twisted and the ones that are normal. Mia (my fav), new girl with crazy awesome hair, Tyce (Tyson...whatever)....freakin twisted, but damn they can tell a story through the dance. The narrators of the story obviously, are the dancers, the girls make it sexy but the guys....the way they move, their facial expressions, their strength and partnership to the lady....AW LAW!!! It's hot people and if watching 22 year old men is how I get my thrills then so be it. Don't judge me!!
FYI...my favs are Phillip and Evan. I'm kind of liking Max too. Who's your favorite?
Heather K.

FYI...my favs are Phillip and Evan. I'm kind of liking Max too. Who's your favorite?
Heather K.
1 comment:
So, I don't watch SYTYCD, but I have a similar story to tell. I was visiting a friend of our family at Cardinal Hill a couple years ago and as you know, that place tugs at my heart because my dad was there for six weeks for rehabilitation. As I was leaving, I decided to walk thru the stroke unit. I hadn't been back since my dad was there and I thought it would help me to pass the room where he stayed, etc. As I was about to leave, I passed by a room where a man was sitting in a wheelchair all by himself. I walked by the room and stopped. I went back and asked him if I could visit with him. He immediately said yes. There was something about him that made me sad and happy at the same time.
His name was Jim. He had been there for weeks. I wondered why he didn't have any visitors, but never asked. There was something about his eyes, they were so sad looking. It broke my heart. I was able to learn all about his family, friends and his adventures as a young adult in the short visit. I thanked him for allowing a stranger in his room when I left. My heart sailed as I left the facility and I cried all the way home to Ohio.
As soon as I got home, I wrote him a note and sent it to Cardinal Hill. I thought about him a lot over the next couple months and when Christmas rolled around I received a card from him. For the past three years, I have received a card from him and I did the same. It was such a relief to get the cards, because I knew he was doing well.
This past year, I received one from his long-time friend explaining that he had passed away. I knew something had happend as soon as I got the card out of the mailbox and looked at the return address.
So sorry for the long story...you know how we are, right? It's amazing how we can find solace, happiness and a lot of history out of the simple everyday aquaintences we find along the way. These things don't cost us money and they tend to be the greatest gifts.
I love you, Heather. You are one of the greatest friends I have ever had. And, I guess I will start watching "So You Think You Can Dance" to see who wins. RIP, Jim.
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