
Looking for a new band...

Well, I'm back. I'm not 100% but I'm back. Luckily, I didn't have the flu, just a head and chest cold that lasted a whole week and while it's last little feet are still tickling their way out of my system, I'm feeling much better.

While I probably should've been in bed Saturday night, I wasn't. I've had tickets to the Kings of Leon show for three months now and nothing....let me say it again, nothing was going to stop me from seeing my favorite band (at the moment) play live. Oh...and what a night it was.

It happens every time I go to a concert. Especially someone I REALLY want to see. The opening band plays, they dismantle while the crew sets up for the main event and then the lights go out. Butterflies enter my stomach and even though I'm usually far far away, it doesn't matter, that first string of a guitar or beat of a drum makes me feel so close.

The show was phenomenal, they played every song from the latest CD, plus old songs and sounded amazing live as they do on track. That my friends, is a good band. And I won't even talk about how cute they were, all sweaty and playing the guitar and beating on the drums. Swoon.

I have this thing. I hear a band, I fall in love, I buy all their CD's, learn all the songs, see them live and then...I move on. Love 'em and leave 'em...that's how I roll. I don't know why I do this, but I always have, even when I was a teenager. I never bought a CD unless I KNEW I was going to see them live.

So now, even though I will always LOVE KOL, I'm moving on. They mentioned, they were going to make a new album and tour in the next year or two and don't worry I'll be there, but for now, I need something new, something to look forward to. Any suggestions?

Heather K.
picture from www.sonymusicphil.wordpress.com

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